
Always show the summary field in "add content" form

Version: drupal 7
Its difficult for new users to notice the summary field in add article form or in adding new node.
You can edit the form to always show the summary field and hide Edit/Show Summary links.

Simply open the following file:


Delete or comment the following code:

       // Setup the edit/hide summary link.
       /* var $link = $('<span class="field-edit-link">(<a class="link-edit-summary" href="#">' + Drupal.t('Hide summary') + '</a>)</span>').toggle(
          function () {
           $(this).find('a').html(Drupal.t('Edit summary')).end().appendTo($fullLabel);
            return false;
          function () {
           $(this).find('a').html(Drupal.t('Hide summary')).end().appendTo($summaryLabel);
            return false;