In this article I will explain how to add modules in your Article content .
There are many reasons to do this, for example:
1. Adding related or relevant headlines for the article, directly after the Article and before comment.
2. Show advertisement (or AdSense module) after (or inside) the article. However there is a simpler way to do that, we will explain it later in other lesson.
First let's see the simple steps to define a new module position. We will take an example for the module, Related Blus , and place it after the Article.
First: check that the "Content - Load Module" plugin is enabled.
Go to
Extensions > Plugin Manager and open "Content - Load Module" plugin. Enable it and on the right change the Style to "No wrapping - raw output".
Second: Open the Module you want to place after the Article ("Related Blus" in our example).
Third: chose the new "Module Position" name.
You can write any name for the position and be careful not to use any existing name in your template.
Let's call it for example: related_position
Finally: Add new Article, and write the following sentence in the position you want the related module to appear (after the article in out example).
{loadposition position_name}
In our example we will write:
{loadposition related_position }
In the next lesson we will see how to add the position automatically in the Article instead of put it manually in each article. There are several ways to do this, so you can pick the easier for you or the one which works with your code and meets your need.